Sunday, February 8, 2009

Out of the mouths of babes.....

My sweet little Brook-a-winn has a cough, so she's been snuggled down in her bed all afternoon. I had to drag her out of bed to head to Wal-mart to get some medicine. On the way to the store, we were listening to the radio. The song was How Great Thou Art (sung by Carrie Underwood). At the end, Brooklynn started talking to me about it. These were the words of my tiny little 4 year old.

"Mommy! That's about Jesus! I asked him to be in my heart as my Savior when I was little!" (it was in Sept)

It was the next part that blew me away!

"He gave me the Holy Spirit and He will never take away my gift. I get to keep it forever! He came into my heart and changed me and now I have the Holy Spirit! I am going to love God forever!"

I couldn't believe it! I mean, we've talked about all of that, but for her to talk about it like that....I was blown away! When I was pregnant with her, we prayed (as with all our children) for her to know Jesus. I never imagined it would come so soon. It's amazing to listen to the words of such a tender little heart...

1 comment:

jenny rigney said...

I am officially crying my eyes out in my cubicle! I love her so much- Praise God for that sweet, sensitive spirit to Jesus Christ!

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